We all know the anxiety and tension students face before a viva exam, but have you ever wondered what it is like for a professor?
We didn’t either — until this viral video gave us a hilarious glimpse into the professor’s perspective.
A lighthearted video capturing a professor’s perspective on viva exams has become a sensation online. Shared by Instagram user @the_forensic_doctor, the video humorously depicts a teacher’s exasperation with students arriving unprepared or making creative excuses.
The clip has garnered over 57,000 likes and a flood of amusing comments from students who can relate.
The professor’s point of view hilariously reads, “Leaving the house after waking up at 7:30 and taking a bath, just to hear the students say sorry sir.”
This relatable video struck a chord with students, who flooded the comments section with their own viva anecdotes and jokes.
"Sir billi assignment copy kha gyi (Sir, my cat ate my assignment), ” a user wrote, joking about the usual excuses students make during a viva.
While some students jokingly referred to the professor’s Instagram handle as “enemy territory,” others applauded how relatable and “cool” the post was.
“Damn, I scrolled reels so much that now I'm in a professor’s POV,” another netizen commented.
It is clear that, as the viral post shows, it’s not just the students who experience the stress of the exam room — professors have their struggles, too!