A private school's management allegedly held a few students and their parents captive over a fee dispute in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Two FIRs were lodged against the management. The police mentioned that, on May 7, over 30 students of the school were compelled to stay inside a room. Similarly, when their parents reached the campus, they were also held hostage for over two hours, a report in PTI stated.
Although the allegations of holding students and their parents hostage have been denied by the school management, a complaint has been filed by the parents. Inspector General of Police, Ramit Sharma, said, "I received a complaint against the management of Hartmann College for holding some students and their parents captive. I have directed officials concerned to take suitable action against the accused," he said, as quoted in a report by PTI.
On the direction of the IGP, an FIR against the school was lodged at Izzatnagar police station on Wednesday night. School Principal Anil Kullu, teacher Shalini Juneja, office in-charge Jewel Massey and a person by the name Roshan were mentioned as accused in the FIR. Considering a complaint of a parent, Saif-ur-Rehman, the accused have been booked under Section 342 (wrongful confinement) and 506 (criminal intimidation) in the FIR. Initially, another parent lodged the first FIR on Tuesday evening, May 10, regarding the same.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Bareilly, Rohit Singh Sajwan, said, "A police team is investigating the matter and two separate FIRs have been lodged. Our team is collecting evidence before taking further action against the accused."