The Vellore taluk police on Monday filed a case against a medical student for allegedly producing a fake certificate during her admission at the Government Vellore Medical College and Hospital at Adukkambarai 10 years ago.
"The student, Vaishnavi R, a resident of Thendral Nagar at Thirunindravur of Chennai, submitted a fake Class XII certificate and gained admission into the medical course in 2008. As she fell short of 35 mark cap, she inflated her score in two subjects," said the inspection officer.
Vaishnavi completed her higher secondary education in Rasipuram. She joined the medical college in 2008-09 and completed the course in 2012-2013. "However, she did not receive the degree certificate as it was found, during a verification process by the medical education, that she had submitted a fake Class 12 certificate. The department concerned instructed the then dean of the medical college to file a complaint against Vaishnavi," said the officer. A majority of the medical colleges take a long time to issue the degree certificates, said, young doctors. And this might be the reason why the fraud came to light five years after Vaishnavi's graduation.
Sadhasivam, a former dean of the college, filed a complaint with the Vellore taluk police on May 9, 2018. However, the police registered the case on Monday (January 7, 2019). The police sources said that further inquiry would take place after the certificate verification. The offence allegedly said to have committed by the student comes under section 420 of the Indian Penal Code.