School Education Department bans the use of mobile by chief examiner and hall supervisors in the exam centres for class XI and Class XII board exams in Tamil Nadu. On Tuesday, a team led by Joint Director of School Education C Amuthavalli carried out preparatory meeting on 'Class XI and Class XII board exams' at OCPM Higher Secondary School.
While addressing the meeting C Amuthavalli said that as the new scheme of school education department, failures of Class XI can write the Class XII exams as well as Class XI exams and at present Class XI syllabus was revamped, hence question papers will be issued for the previous syllabus and the present syllabus, she said.
She further said that four centres have been allotted for the private candidates including Sivakasi Nadar Matri School in Madurai, TELC School in Usilampatti, PKN Matriculation School in Thirumangalam and Ponmalar Matriculation School in Melur. She insisted the officials that the exam centre seal would be affixed in the answer sheet only after the students completed their exam and she ordered the officials to ensure the condition of the CCTV cameras in the question paper protection centres.
She further told the officials to inspect the respective exam centres and to check the facilities including seating arrangements, ambiance in the hall, number of students appearing and to submit a report to the CEO of Madurai immediately. CEO K M C Subashini, chiefs of the exam centres, department officials all participated in the meeting. Also, JD of School Education inspected the question paper protection centre in person.