Students of the Delhi University who went to meet the new Vice-Chancellor Dr Yogesh Singh to demand reopening of the campus were allegedly manhandled and removed from in front of the VC's office where they were protesting. The All India Students' Association (AISA), which led the protest, had gathered inside the premises of DU VC's Office to submit a memorandum raising the demand for immediate reopening of Delhi University. They raised slogans and called the VC out for a dialogue. The students alleged that they were forcibly removed from the premises and were "thrashed" in the process.
The memorandum was taken inside by a receptionist, said students. They also wanted to send a delegation in to meet the VC the officials did not let them in. "The way they have pushed us out of VC Office is the same way they are pushing millions of students outside of education. If the VC does not listen to our demands, we will come back with a greater strength and greater zeal," said Ritwik Raj, AISA's DU unit Secretary.
A litany of protests
Meanwhile, several organisations of students and teachers on Thursday staged a protest against the National Education Policy and reintroduction of four-year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP) in Delhi University. They also demanded reopening of colleges and schools that have been shut in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. The protest was held outside Shastri Bhawan which houses the office of the Ministry of Education. The protesting organisations said in a joint statement that they submitted a memorandum to the Ministry of Education.
"Representatives of different organisations addressed the gathering outside Shastri Bhawan. As no one from the ministry appeared before the demonstrating people, a delegation was sent to the ministry with a memorandum," it said. The organisations said they would intensify their protest if their demands are not met. The protesting organisations included the All India Forum for Right to Education (AIFTRE), All India Revolutionary Students Organisation (AIRSO), AISA, DYFI, SFI and the Youth for Swaraj.