The Delhi Cabinet on Monday approved setting up of Delhi Teachers’ University, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced. He said the university will offer, among others, four-year Integrated Teacher Education Programmes like BA-BEd, BSc-BEd to help develop a new generation of teachers.
“Today, the Delhi Cabinet approved the establishment of the Delhi Teachers’ University. The varsity will prepare highly qualified and well-trained teachers in Delhi itself. ‘Delhi Teachers University’ Bill 2021 will be placed before the Delhi Vidhan Sabha in the coming session,” Kejriwal said at a press conference. “The Delhi Teachers University will be a public university dedicated to preparing excellent quality teachers for the city across different school stages,” he added.
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He said the students of the university will be attached with Delhi government schools for the entire duration of their course to get hands-on experience. “This will help students gain excellent practical knowledge in addition to theoretical knowledge,” Kejriwal said. “The admission to the new University will start for the academic session 2022-23. ‘Delhi Teachers University’ will be a centre for excellence in teacher preparation at both pre-service and in-service in the areas of education studies, leadership and policy. It will work towards bridging the gap between practice, research and policy in teacher preparation while constantly engaging with the dynamic concept and realities of quality education in the city,” he said.
The university will be set up at Bakkarwala in west Dehli. The Delhi government is envisioning to institute the ‘Delhi Teachers University’ to be a public university dedicated to preparing excellent quality teachers for the city across school stages, the chief minister said. “It will operate as a multidisciplinary academic centre that brings together varied stakeholders (practising and aspiring teachers, teacher educators, parents, administrators, policy planners, and content developers) in a dialogue through a range of programmes and activities,” he said.