In line with the government's Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan (PMGDSA) to enable employability through digital literacy, software company SAP India on Thursday launched "Code Unnati", a digital literacy and software skills development initiative. The initiative is a multi-year collaboration along with ITC and Larsen and Toubro Public Charitable Trust to impart digital literacy and drive employment-led software skills development for the underprivileged.
In the pilot phase until next year, it will focus on rural areas in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan as well as urban disadvantaged demographics in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Pune, Vizag and Hyderabad. "Only 10 per cent of India's population is digitally literate. With technology at the core of everything we do, it is our responsibility to join forces and help create a Digital India," said Deb Deep Sengupta, President, SAP Indian Subcontinent, in a statement.
Under the initiative, the company will provide technology infrastructure and expertise on course curriculum and pedagogy, delivery mechanisms and teachers while ITC and Larsen and Toubro Public Charitable Trust will enable outreach in far-flung, tribal and inaccessible regions with adequate monitoring and evaluation and governance support. The programme will emphasise on advanced software skills relevant for employment creation, with an intent to fill the gap of 3.5 million technologically skilled and educated citizens.
"ITC's partnership with SAP will enable the 'Code Unnati' initiative to make a deeper contribution in spreading digital education amongst children in rural Andhra Pradesh, with a special focus on the girl child," said Ashesh Ambasta, Head of Social Investments at ITC. A hundred "code unnati" community service centres will be launched to provide training to the sarpanches and educate local citizens on effective utilisation of various available e-services.