JKBOSE announced Classes X, XII, XII final exam dates for hard zone areas

JKBOSE Class XII exam in hard zone areas will start on February 20 and end on March 20
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The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has announced final exam dates for Classes X, XI, and XII for hard zone areas. The JK board Class X final exams in hard zone areas will begin on February 21 and end on March 3, 2025.

On the first exam day, students will appear for the additional/optional subject (Arabic/Kashmir/Dogri/BhotiPunjabi/Urdu/Hindi/Persian/Sanskrit). The exam will end with the painting/art and drawing paper.
Class XI exams
The Class X exam will begin on February 22 and end on March 22. Exams for the science stream will begin with Geology/ Microbiology/ Bio-technology/ Bio-chemistry papers. Additionally, art students will appear for Urdu, Hindi, Kashmiri, Dogri, Punjabi, and Bhoti papers.

Notably, there is no exam for the Commerce stream on the first day. While the Science stream exam for Class XI will end with the physics paper, art students will appear for Home Science (Elective), History, and Public Administration papers on the last day.
The Commerce stream exam will end with Business Mathematics and Public Administration papers, Hindustan Times.

Class XII exams

JKBOSE Class XII exam in hard zone areas will start on February 20 and end on March 20. Exams for Science stream students will begin with biology (Botany & Zoology)/statistics subjects. Arts students will appear for Political Science and Statistics papers on the first day, while the Commerce stream exam will start with the accounting paper.

The Science stream exam will end with Mathematics/Applied Mathematics papers, and the arts stream exam will end with Mathematics/Applied Mathematics and Sociology papers. There is no exam for Commerce stream students on the last day.

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