Memorisation and understanding: How the two are intrinsically linked

Despite the prevailing pessimistic mindset towards memorisation and understanding, the two are intrinsically linked
Memorising is important
Memorising is important (Pic: EdexLive Desk)

An essential element of effective learning lies within the intricate web of memory traces. Without the ability to recall learned information, the essence of true comprehension dissipates.

Dr Anuj Pachchel, a productivity YouTuber and an MBBS graduate from GMC Nagpur, aptly emphasises the significance of a mindset shift. He contends, "Shift in your mindset, you cannot memorise or retain? It's fine, but you have to consistently keep trying and not lose hope."

Despite the prevailing pessimistic mindset towards memorisation and understanding, the two are intrinsically linked. A continuous effort to retain information not only aids in memorization but also enhances understanding of concepts.

In fact, these efforts stand as some of the most recommended and scientifically proven study techniques, supported by empirical data.

We sought insights from Memory Coach and two-time national memory champion, John Louis, to explore the relationship between memory and academic success. According to Louis, this connection is fundamental and multifaceted. Effective memory empowers students to:

5. Retain information 

Do you remember?
Do you remember? (Pic: EdexLive Desk)

They can remember key concepts, factual details, and procedural steps, which form the building blocks of understanding and skill acquisition.

4. Connect ideas

Generate and build the idea
Generate and build the idea(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

Strong memory enables students to make connections between different pieces of information, fostering critical thinking and deeper comprehension

3. Apply knowledge

Application is important
Application is important(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

They can recall learned information and apply it to solve problems, answer questions, and complete assignments, demonstrating their understanding.

2. Learn effectively

Time to learn
Time to learn(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

Memory plays a crucial role in the learning process itself. Students can remember study strategies, feedback, and mistakes, allowing them to adapt and improve their learning methods.

1. Build confidence

Build it up
Build it up(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

Confidence in one's memory can lead to increased motivation and engagement in learning, further contributing to academic success.

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