Coach Calling: Ukraine-returned medical students, this is why you all are HEROES 

You lived! You survived! You made it HOME SAFE! You're the PERSONIFICATION of HOPE! On top of all this, you've all pulled up your socks and still tried your level best
Read on for more | (Pic: EdexLive)
Read on for more | (Pic: EdexLive)
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I've become ENVIOUS of doctors nowadays, simply because I couldn't become one... especially when my grandfather was a legend in paediatrics. Then there are my mother and uncle who proved that the apple doesn't fall from the tree and followed in his footsteps. 

This often makes me wonder, if I had JUST managed to somehow become a paediatrician, the family name was enough for me to lead a comfortable life. (#Nepotism! I know, pun intended by the way). Maybe that's why fate had other plans for me and I had to struggle to make a name for myself in a field that was totally unrelated to anyone in my family, so NO NEPOTISM. But on a serious note, I bring this angle only to emphasise the fact that I completely understand how tough it is to pursue medicine in today's day and age. 

I salute those, who couldn't afford to study in our country as the fees is exorbitant, but still sought other options to make their dream come true, even if it meant going far away leaving HOME and family. And if this weren't enough, imagine being blind-sided by a WAR that suddenly brought chaos in their lives! YES! This week's conversation is dedicated to all my HEROES — the medical students who have returned from Ukraine. 

Don't lose hope, where there is a will...there's definitely a SILVER LINING! 

At the time of writing this article, it was reported in The New Indian Express that the Centre informed the Supreme Court that Ukraine returnees with “poor merit” cannot be allowed to continue their education in India. The Centre said that they will have to utilise the academic mobility programme.

I'm SURE that you're all feeling let down by this news, but here's my take on the situation... SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING, right? Yes! I'm asking you to focus on the silver lining here. Yes! It's going to be challenging, but you've all returned from A WARZONE and survived, nothing in life is ever going to pose a challenge when compared to long as you are able to return to NORMALCY by using the RIGHT COPING MECHANISMS. I say this because I do understand that it's nerve-wracking returning from such an environment. 

You all are a BEACON OF HOPE!
Coming back from a war-torn country isn't easy! Irrespective of what anyone tells YOU. That's something that nobody, I mean NOBODY can even dream of trying to empathise with. You held on to your nerves though you saw the war unfolding, you weren't just under extreme duress, you were in hell. You were in a country which wasn't even your own which suddenly made you feel alienated, even if it wasn't the case in reality. 

You lived! You survived! You made it HOME SAFE! You're the PERSONIFICATION of HOPE! On top of all this, you've all pulled up your socks and still tried your level best to convince the Indian government. You, my dearest ones, aren't just a beacon of hope but LEGENDS! 

Why are you HEROES? 
I'm not singing praises just for the heck of it! It's not only your resilience, grit, sacrifices and the DRIVE TO SURVIVE. It's because of the BIGGEST ELEPHANT in the room that not many have addressed or made you all aware of... PTSD!

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, often referred to as PTSD, is something that affects even those who maybe did not even see a WARZONE! Let alone be in one. It is often underrated and is simply nerve-wracking in my opinion. Which is why I said you'll need the RIGHT COPING MECHANISMS.

As I sign off, I have two very important appeals to you all.
One, please don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP! I've provided enough emphasis on what you have survived and I need to EMPHASISE TEN TIMES OVER to make sure that NONE OF YOU SUFFER IN SILENCE.

Two, you've witnessed the DEVASTATING environment of a WARZONE. Remember this experience forever and wage a WAR against corrupt medical practices, freebies and so on. Save lives with the purest intent and an unconditional mindset. Uphold your oath and always remember that GOD made sure that you LIVED to ensure that you make countless others... LIVE!

A BIG SALUTE to all the angels in white coats of tomorrow and the doctors here at home,

With immense respect, 
Adarsh Benakappa Basavaraj
Your Coach

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