Tackling global pollution: This book released at SOA tries to tackle the question

A book on the subject, edited by four researchers, was released by Prof (Dr) Manojranjan Nayak, Founder President of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed-to-be University (SOA)
Tackling global pollution: This book released at SOA tries to tackle the question
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Tackling the issue of global pollution is a difficult challenge as traditional remedial technologies are viewed as cost-prohibitive. At times, the remedial process itself contributes to environmental contamination.

Scientists and researchers, however, feel that Phytoremediation, a plant-based clean-up method, can better manage environmental pollution.

A book on the subject, edited by four researchers, was released by Prof (Dr) Manojranjan Nayak, Founder President of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed-to-be University (SOA) recently. Two of the researchers are from SOA, according to a press release from the institute.

The book, titled Sustainable Management of Environmental Pollutants through Phytoremediation, focuses on the method which has gained attention as an efficient, affordable and environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional remedial technologies for cleaning up a variety of hazardous pollutants.

The editors are Dr Dattatreya Kar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Research, Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital, SOA’s faculty of medical sciences, Dr Ananya Kuanar, Assistant Professor in the Center for Biotechnology of SOA, Dr Alok Prasad Das, Assistant Professor in Ramadevi Women’s University and Dr Maulin P Shah, researcher and scientific writer.

Dr Dattatreya Kar and Prof (Dr) Sanghamitra Mishra, Dean of IMS and SUM Hospital were present at the book release programme.

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