Today, Friday, August 23, a Delhi court rejected the application for bail of the co-owners of a Delhi coaching centre whose basement flooding had led to the death of three young Civil Services aspirants, sparking massive outrage in Delhi and other areas of the country as well.
Anju Bajaj, Principal District and Sessions Judge, stated, "Investigation is at initial stage. I am not inclined to give bail."
The court order is awaited.
After hearing the arguments that had been placed before the court by lawyers of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) as well as Parvinder Singh, Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh and Sarbjit Singh, the four joint owners of the basement, the court had reserved its order on August 17.
Recently, the Delhi High Court transferred the investigation of the deaths of the Civil Services aspirants in the basement to CBI "to ensure the public has no doubt over the investigation".
To recall, at Rau's IAS Study Circle in Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, after heavy rainfall, the basement of the coaching centre was flooded and a few students were trapped as the biometric system had failed. This led to the death of three aspirants, Shreya Yadav from Uttar Pradesh, Nivin Dalwin from Kerala, and Tanya Soni from Telangana.