The Karnataka High Court (HC) suggested the state government explore the possibilities of easing traffic in the city. This suggestion was made on Tuesday, September 12. The state's education secretary was asked to call a meeting of representatives of private and government schools, school bus operators, and parents' associations to discuss the revision of school timings.
On the same note, the court asked the secretary of industries and labour to call meetings of representatives of associations of industries, factories, industrial organisations, and the chamber of commerce to discuss the revision of the working hours of their employees to ease traffic in the city. "The stakeholders may also provide suggestions regarding flexible hours of working or other ways to ease traffic," the court said, as per a report by The New Indian Express.
A division bench of Chief Justice Prasanna B Varale and Justice Krishna S Dixit passed the order after hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by Samarpana Cultural and Social Organisation regarding the widening of Ballari Road from BDA Junction to Mekhri Circle. "We appreciate that the state government permitted the participation of experts in the field... We permit the government to proceed further and to take appropriate steps already initiated to ease traffic and also consider the suggestions of petitioners and directions issued by the court," the bench observed.