The Tamil Nadu Assembly adopted a resolution against the "imposition" of Hindi in the state's educational institutions on Tuesday, October 18. The Assembly has urged the Centre not to implement recommendations of the report of the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language.
The resolution was headed by Chief Minister MK Stalin, who has contended that the recommendation submitted to the President on September 9 is against the state languages, including Tamil, and also against the interest of the people who speak those languages, as mentioned in a report by PTI.
"The House expresses concern that the recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee, now presented, are against the two-language policy resolution moved and passed by Perarignar Anna in this august House, contrary to the promise made by the then Prime Minister Thiru Nehru to the non-Hindi speaking states and are against the use of English as Official language ensured by the resolutions passed in 1968 and 1976 on Official language," the resolution reads.
The resolution was passed unanimously by the House. Meanwhile, AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam said his party favoured the dual language policy of Tamil and English in the State.
On September 9, the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language, headed by Home Minister Amit Shah, recommended that Hindi be adopted as the official language in educational institutions, including central universities. Tamil Nadu and Kerala are opposed to the move.