For Telugu, Urdu and Hindi language pundits, the Government of Telangana might introduce paper-III in Teachers Entrance Test (TET). With regards to the same, a representation was submitted to the education minister of the state.
Many language pundits are not able to qualify for the eligibility test which also contains questions for Social Studies and Math for 60 marks. This is because these subjects are not present in their syllabus.
Language pundits requested the state education minister to take a decision on this as soon as possible because it is on June 12 that TET has been scheduled. If the decision is taken before the eligibility test is conducted, over 30,000 candidates stand to benefit, as per the pundits.
At present, there are two TET papers, paper-I is for Primary Teachers (SGT) who appear for the test after Diploma in Elementary Education (DElEd) and paper-II is for those high school teachers who appear for TET after their BEd. In both the papers, questions from all subjects are included. Language pundits who appear after pursuing their BEd are also given the same paper.
Speaking on the issue, President of Rashtriya Upadhyaya Pandit Parishad Telangana (RUPPT), Mohammed Abdullah, said, "Language pundits just study languages and are unable to clear questions from subjects like Science, Social Studies and Math. A separate question paper for language pundits should be prepared from subjects they have studied. Paper-III was there in the undivided state and now, AP has continued it while Telangana dismissed it."
Abdullah added that the minister assured to discuss the matter with the Education Secretary and Director of State Council Education Research and Training (SCERT), to see the possibilities of preparing paper-III for language pundits for TET 2022.