The Madras High Court on Monday, November 21 directed the Tamil Nadu government to file a report whether to allow the private school in Kallakurichi, which witnessed large-scale violence in the aftermath of the death of a Class XII girl in July, for reopening. Justice R Suresh Kumar, while hearing a petition filed by Latha Trust which runs the school seeking permission for reopening, ordered the government to file the report by November 25, as stated in a report by The New Indian Express.
Earlier, a report filed by the district collector informed the court that instructions had to be taken from the government before taking a decision on the matter. The school, located at Kaniyamoor, Chinnasalem, was looted and rampaged on July 17, four days after the girl was found dead. The school has remained closed since then, as per the TNIE report.
Other developments
On Monday, November 14, the court ordered the parents of the school student, who was found dead on the premises on July 13, to hand over her cell phone to the investigating agency. These orders were passed by Justice V Sivagnanam during the hearing of a petition filed by the girl’s father Ramalingam.
He said cell phone conversations were required to ascertain the circumstances of the death. As the petitioner seeks a fair probe, he should hand over the cell phone to assist in the investigation, the judge ordered. The matter was posted on December 15.