Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday said that State government schemes like 'Matri Sashaktikaran Abhiyan' and 'Mukhyamantri Suposhan Abhiyan' have helped thousands of children and women in coming out of malnutrition. He further stated that he wants to create a new Dantewada for which his government has also worked on job creation, adding that today Dantewada is known as a garment hub. "14 per cent of children are now out of malnutrition. 90,000 children have been pulled out of malnutrition and 20,000 women are now free from both anaemia and malnutrition. For this, we had launched Matri Sashaktikaran Abhiyan. We want to create a new Dantewada. For this, we have worked on job creation. Today, Dantewada is known as garment hub", said the Chhattisgarh CM.
Talking about the state of women's health in the state, he said, "What is the condition of women in Chhattisgarh and Dantewada? More than 41 per cent of women physically weak including lack of blood, children malnourished. Therefore, 'Mukhyamantri Suposhan Abhiyan' was launched first in Dantewada then in Bastar followed by the entire state." Baghel dedicated several developments works to the people at a programme at the High School ground in Dantewada.
The Chief Minister announced Tehsil status for Barsur and the status of Sub Tehsil for Faraspal, Palnar and Badegudara. Baghel also announced the construction of seven new police stations in Dantewada district and a residential colony after the name of Shaheed Mahendra Karma for Naxal-affected families. Baghel sanctioned an amount of Rs 4 crore from the revolving fund to engage the unemployed at the village self-employment centre, out of which two-year interest-free loan will be given to the unemployed in the area.
Along with this, Baghel also announced the construction of 50-seater Balak Ashram Hostel in Gram Panchayat Moflnar, Ghat construction and beautification work on the Dankini river in the city of Dantewada, the building of shops for the displaced traders of the city, an indoor stadium in Kuakonda Nakulanar, a mini stadium in Barsur, the extension of the bus stand in Kirandul, Shaheed Mahendra Karma Palika Bazar in Geedam, the extension of a residential facility in the police line, the construction of 40-metre culvert on Dhurli to Basanpur road, the construction of divider and wide road with drainage wide from Nakulnar Maharana Pratap Chowk to district office Kuakond. A sanction was given for the construction of a museum for the preservation of tribal culture and construction of a community building in Paatarras for Sarv Bastariya Samaj Dantewada.