Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, on December 28, honoured the best students of the state's open university with citations and gold medals at the sixth convocation ceremony in Haldwani. Speaking at the event, Dhami said, "The land of Uttarakhand is also known as the land of the military. The stream of knowledge provides natural observation here and wishes for the bright future of students."
The Chief Minister was also accompanied by the Uttarakhand Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd). He said, "When you ask our Governor Gurmit Singh about the Indian Army, he will tell you about every area of the world. Talking with him feels like you are talking to a great person because he gives us a lot of knowledge about everything."
Vocal for local
On the same day, Dhami also organised an employment fair called Jai Udyog Jai Vyapaar for the youth and said that his government is committed to promoting the idea of Vocal for Local. Dhami inaugurated the grand skill and employment fair in Haldwani by lighting the lamp. The Chief Minister said, "The youth of today are energetic. Employment fairs are being continuously organised by the government in districts across the state, due to which the youth are getting employment opportunities."