The funds for maintenance and repair of school buildings were already increased to Rs 250 crore by the Government compared to Rs 75 crore allocated during last year. This was disclosed by School Education Minister, Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi. Talking to reporters in Thanjavur while inspecting the venue for the Chief Minister's programme to be held on December 30 he said during the review meetings held for the last four months the issue of demolishing unstable school buildings was taken up.
However, after the tragic incident at a school in Tirunelveli, the issue has become a subject of public discussion. The minister pointed out on the day of the incident itself at a meeting of the Collectors, instructions were issued to immediately demolish the buildings at risk with the lists already available with the Chief Educational officers (CEOs) and the list prepared by district collectors themselves.
He further said besides the funds allocated by the Government for maintenance of the school buildings, funds were also sought from NABARD for school buildings. Responding to a question regarding a Class XI student committing suicide in Mangadu in Chennai, the minister said it was shocking and the students should not take such extreme steps. He wanted the students to talk about their issues. He further added the 800-odd doctors appointed under the National Children Health Scheme (RBSK), in 412 blocks in the state, who are now focussing on the physical health of the school children were asked to focus on the psychological health of the school children and provide them with counseling as well.
Poyyamozhi added that Chief Minister MK Stalin will be participating in a programme in Thanjavur on December 30 and will be distributing welfare assistance to the beneficiaries. He further added during the Makkalai Thedi Muthalvai camps held across the district recently, more than 55,000 petitions were received. The district administration is taking steps to fastrack the resolving of the issues.