In Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada, a private nursing college in Mangaluru has been declared as a containment zone by the district health department. This happened after seven students were tested positive for COVID-19.
All seven students hail from Kerala and are pursuing their first year in college. They had arrived with negative RT-PCR results.
Dakshina Kannada's district nodal officer for COVID-19, Dr H Ashok, informed that those students who tested positive have been isolated. He also shared that the throat swab samples of 43 first-year students were tested, out of which, seven students had tested positive.
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There are nursing colleges of Karnataka which are turning into containment zones. In November, many cases emerged at SDM Medical College in Dharwad following a function organised on campus. Spurthy College of Nursing in Marasur, two private nursing colleges of Mysuru and others came to light as well.