Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought India, along with the rest of the world, to a stop, the youth can make the next decade the golden era for India, said Dr Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Health and Family Welfare. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has confidence in the youth and believes that they are the most valuable national asset, said the minister while inaugurating the 32nd convocation of Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai (SRIHER).
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi has great confidence in the power of the youth and rightly believes that they are the biggest national asset that we have. Youth being a demographic dividend of our country, the next 5-10 years are expected to be a kind of golden era for India. I urge all of you to move with great self-confidence and zeal to achieve the glory that is due for India," added the minister. "While aggression is important in modern life, I sincerely believe that we should follow the Gandhian philosophy which touches all aspects of life. Our youth should imbibe Gandhiji’s teachings to create a better and just society," he added.
Speaking about the COVID-19 situation, Dr Vardhan said that if the doctors are committed they can help the nation get back to where it was. "I acknowledge that COVID-19 has turned the clock back by many years, if not decades. The deadly virus has derailed our painstaking efforts of many decades and diverted scientific attention. The lockdowns have raised insurmountable barriers, interrupted supply chains, diversion of manufacturing capacity and imposition of many roadblocks. This period needs strategic thinking, thought leadership and disruptive social entrepreneurship. It needs mass mobilisation, aggressive campaigns, powerful partners and deep commitments. And most of all, it needs a powerful societal commitment.Doctors are the backbone of any society. If our doctors are committed, then many things will automatically fall into place," he added.
The Chancellor of SRIHER, VR Venkatachalam, along with the Pro Chancellor RV Sengutuvan and Vice-Chancellor Dr PV Vijayaraghavan presented 94 gold medals and certificates to 1266 students getting doctoral, super speciality, post graduate and undergraduate degrees.