Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant on Tuesday said in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation in the state is not appropriate to allow physical classes in schools and colleges.
Samant held a review meeting with officials of the Savitribai Phule Pune University. Talking to reporters here after the meeting, he said the COVID-19 situation in Maharashtra is not normal.
"Therefore, it is not appropriate to conduct physical classes. We have also directed educational institutions to avoid the collection of development fees from students as there have been no physical classes," he said.
The Maharashtra government in its latest lockdown guidelines issued on September 30 said schools, colleges, and other educational and coaching institutions will remain closed in the state.
As part of its unlock process to bring the economy back on track, the state government has allowed some commercial activities to open while adhering to the COVID-19 prevention protocols, but educational institutions have been directed to remain closed.
Schools and colleges have been shut in the state since the nationwide lockdown was announced in March this year. Many educational institutions have been conducting classes and exams online as part of the new academic session.
Till Monday, Maharashtra reported 14,53,653 COVID-19 cases and 38,347 deaths due to the disease.