The Tamil Nadu government has put in place new guidelines for declaring holidays for schools on account of rains. A mere drizzle should not be taken as cause for declaring holidays, said a notice issued to the district collectors. The circular also requested to exercise extra caution in declaring school holidays and inform the government of such holidays.
According to a circular sent by the School Education Department Secretary, Pradeep Yadav, to district collectors, schools should be declared holidays only in case of severe flooding in any area leading to transport facilities being paralysed. "Mere rain or drizzle should not be taken as cause for declaring holidays," it added. The decision to declaring a holiday may be taken three hours before classes commence, taking into account the situation prevailing at that time. "The chief educational officers shall assess the gravity of the situation and suggest the area and day for declaring a holiday to the district collector. The holiday should be restricted to the affected areas only. Revenue districts need not be the unit of the declaration of a school holiday. An educational district, block or any other local body could be considered the unit for declaring a holiday," the circular said.
It further said that the announcement for declaring a holiday on other accounts such as local temple festivals etc. should also contain the day on which compensatory classes would be held. Each holiday declared in any area should be duly compensated by opening schools in that area on Saturdays, so that students do not miss any lesson planned for the day. "Efforts should be made to open schools at the earliest. Camps, if any should be shifted to other facilities available in the vicinity. Pumping out of water in case of water logging and cleaning of premises should be given the utmost priority in the scheme of relief and rehabilitation," the circular added.