Art of learning effectively: Here are a few time-tested techniques

There are many techniques and methods which aid learning. We list a few for you here. So, shall we begin?
Time to learn
Time to learn(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

Drawing insights from a di- verse array of sources such as accomplished Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) toppers, productivity YouTu- bers, and committed students, we present a step-by-step guide to enhance your learning experience

1. Step 1: Focus and distribution — Deep work

What is deep work?
What is deep work?(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Focused study sessions, as advocated by the author of Deep Work Cal Newport, can enhance productivity and learning.

- Create a dedicated study environment free from distractions, and consider using techniques like time blocking to allocate specific periods for deep work.

2. Distributed practice 

Space it out
Space it out(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks spread over time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

- This technique capitalises on the spacing effect, reinforcing learning through repeated exposure to info.

3. Step 2: Connecting the dots — Mind mapping

Mind mapping, a guide
Mind mapping, a guide(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Instead of traditional highlighting, try mind mapping to visually organise all the information.

- Consider using online tools for digital mind maps, and experiment with different structures to find what works best for you.

- The visual hierarchy aids in understanding complex relationships between concepts.

"I have a particular interest in History. So I go beyond the syllabus, read up on extra stuff, watch YouTube videos on the topic and then come back to the text. This makes the learning way more interesting," shares Sai Sharan, Student

4. Dual coding

Multimedia is the way to go
Multimedia is the way to go(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Use visual and verbal representations like diagrams, videos, or mind maps to process information more deeply.

- Experiment with various multimedia resources, such as educational videos, to enhance your understanding of complex topics.

5. Step 3: Understanding — The Feynman Technique 

What is the Feunman Technique?
What is the Feunman Technique?(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Teach what you’ve learned to reinforce understanding.

- Explain a concept you have read in your own words and then review it to see where you went wrong.

- You can either explain it to yourself by writing or explain it to another person. However, the trick is to be able to explain it to someone simply, without using technical or complex terms.

"I’ve explored different study methods, and the Feynman technique really caught my attention. What sets it apart is its impact on comprehension. By breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms and articulating them, I not only reinforced my understanding but also identified gaps in my knowledge," says Sai Sharan, Student

6. Elaboration

Let's explore
Let's explore(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Go beyond memorising and understand the deeper meaning. Ask “why” and “how” to connect new knowledge.

- Engage in discussions with peers, create scenarios related to the material, and seek real- world applications to enhance your understanding.

7. Concrete examples 

What more?
What more?(Pic: EdexLive Desk)

- Make abstract concepts easier to understand with real-world examples or your own creations.

- Actively seek practical applications of theoretical concepts to enhance your grasp on the subject matter.

"A key tenet to learning is relatability, a true catalyst to effective learning. If a teacher or a student can strike a correlation between the concept and their real-life surroundings, nothing tops this. It’s the simplest way to retain conceptual understanding," says Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash, acclaimed as the World’s Fastest Human Calculator

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