Asian Academy of Film and Television, a premier film school of India inaugurated its 100th batch of training here at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida and completed 25 years of film, television and media education.
"Today we are creating another World Record of completing the 100th session of three-month courses in films, television, and media. There is no film school across the globe, which has touched 100th batch of film training. We have now also completed 25 years in education," said Sandeep Marwah President of AAFT.
"Something, which used to look like a dream and at a far distance has been completed and achieved today. This is our sixth international record in media so far. I am thankful for the almighty, my parents, my teachers, my institutions, my family and each and every member of AAFT and Marwah Studios who all have contributed in this beautiful journey," added Marwah talking to the new batch of trainees.
All that Sandeep Marwah has achieved during these years can be summed up by the titles he has been bestowed upon by different institutions of the World; Global Cultural Minister, Global Peace Ambassador, Global Green Ambassador, Global Leader, Man of Asia, Father of Cellphone Cinema, Father of New Nigerian Cinema, Father of Bhutanese New Cinema, Global Media Guru and many others.
AAFT has been instrumental in starting and launching more than 100 film, television, media, social art and cultural organizations under the leadership of genius Sandeep Marwah.
AAFT has brought more than 550 awards to its credit including 110 international awards.
The institution has churned out approximately 13000 media professionals from 120 countries of the World.
AAFT has been rated in the first ten best film schools of the World.
"Soon we will register our new record to the different authorities and will work for new goals with a bigger vision," said Marwah.
About AAFT AAFT is the premiere film & television institute of India.
AAFT- Asian Academy of Film and Television is one of the first ten best film schools of the World.
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