High School teachers in Kerala seem to be unhappy this year, owing to the alleged apathy shown by Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE). The teachers alleged that DHSE has failed to upload the ‘Apply for Transfer’ link option in the official web portal managed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) which in turn will inordinately delay transfer procedures.
According to the teachers’ associations, the transfers process normally begins in the month of April and closes before the academic year that begins in June. “Usually, the link can be spotted on the portal by March end. However, for the past two years, DHSE has failed to upload the link on time. The proceedings only begin in June and close in September. This creates inconvenience to teachers as they have to move in the middle of the academic year, making it difficult for their children to secure admissions at schools and colleges,” said O Shoukathali, general secretary, Kerala Higher Secondary Teachers Union.
Earlier, the transfer proceedings of HSS teachers was marred in controversy following allegations that transfer was not based on a seniority basis. As per a GO, transfers should be based on a Kerala Administrative Tribunal order issued in December 2017.
The GO also prioritises transfers in 20 categories on priority basis including compassionate posting, physically-challenged persons, widows of armed forces’ personnel and NRI postings. Sources cite the delay in transfers has been occurring ever since the KAT order has come out. Various teachers’ associations have also alleged the frequent change of Higher Secondary directors is affecting the smooth transfer proceedings. “In the past three months, several senior officers were appointed to the post of director. We are unaware of who the present HSE director is. We demand the government fix a person permanently to the post,” said Shoukathali.