Be the next proud voter: Here's why it is important to exercise your democratic right to vote

The Coach writes for all those who are preparing to vote. Here’s why it’s the most important duty and right of a democratic citizen
Pic: Edex Live
Pic: Edex Live

Voting! The most important RESPONSIBILITY of each and every one of us towards our country. It isn’t just a right, but the duty of every citizen to diligently vote for the candidates who shall usher in positive change, holistically develop our country and empower our nation to become the epitome of excellence. Even as many of you are reading this, I’m sure that you’ll be feeling that there’s no hope and all that I’ve written above will never happen. Okay! But who’s the culprit? It’s YOU! (I’m referring to those who don’t vote but rather consider the day of voting as a holiday and relax). Based on my experience, the biggest blunder I’ve witnessed is that many don’t understand that it’s our responsibility and blame the system later. Yes! There is still a lot that needs to be ironed out, but it all has for start somewhere, right? With the Day to Vote almost here, the first appeal and request I have is simple: GO AND VOTE! Here’s a guide to first-time voters:
1. The future is in your hands: You get to decide who gets to be elected and its your responsibility to ensure that the elected individual is ACCOUNTABLE. So irrespective of what anyone says, make a PLEDGE to vote. Be the change! 
2. Make it fun: Plan on going to vote in numbers by getting custom T-shirts made, bands, caps or even if you can’t think of anything fun, it’s all right, you guys can have fun since you’ll have company while waiting to vote. 
3. Make a fuss: Be excited! It’s your first time to vote! It’s an achievement and you’re finally being acknowledged not only as an adult, but as a citizen of the country. Don’t let this important milestone of your life go to waste. It’s a memory that needs to be cherished forever. 
4. Make a pact to not only vote every year diligently, but to ensure that you make EVERY SINGLE PERSON in your house do the same.
Why do you need to vote? 
1. You have the power! Voting is a SUPERPOWER. Just imagine, the future of our country is in your hands. Not just that, it also makes you feel like a TRUE citizen as you’re actively involved in the selection of who gets to occupy powerful positions in the future. But with great power comes great responsibility, choose WISELY! 
2. Secret To Becoming Popular: I’ve actually become popular because of my regular attendance during elections which helps to break the ice easily and initiate a conversation when we bump into each other in our area. 
3. You’re an icon: Voting regularly makes it very evident that you’re holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE in choosing the right leaders and also projects you to others as a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN.  
4. True voting: Out of the many illegal activities that take place during elections, the most notorious is using duplicate IDs and casting votes. This is another reason why everyone should diligently vote.
As I wind up this week’s column, I have one request for those who consider voting a MUNDANE activity which isn’t WORTH THE EFFORT. The election numbers have always disappointed me and makes me ponder sometimes whether it’s true when people say that we’re only fit to be ruled and not to enjoy democracy. Whether this holds true or not, one thing definitely is: if we laze around and don’t vote, we’ll not only welcome others to rule over us but might give a chance for a DICTATOR to take control. We’re a proud nation who fought for its independence by sacrificing a lot of lives in the process. All these struggles were to give us the PRIVILEGE to VOTE! Let’s not be ungrateful and let everything go to waste!

With Regards,
Adarsh Benakappa Basavaraj
‘The Coach’

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