Participating in my first poetry competition was a rewarding experience. Writing poetry has always been a passion of mine, and in my toughest moments, when I’m unsure of what to do, I often find solace in ink and paper.
I was in the middle of my half-yearly exams when I received an invitation from my school to participate in the Odisha Literary Festival 2024. Having heard about the festival before and knowing friends who had won in previous contests, I knew I couldn't pass up such a rare and enriching opportunity.
On the morning of September 22, I was a bundle of nerves. I had no idea what the topic would be — whether it would touch on politics or economics, subjects I felt less comfortable with. But the warmth and kindness of the organizers soon put me at ease. When the topic was announced — "The Rain Feeling" — the words began to flow effortlessly.
I found myself fully immersed in the writing, and was thrilled to be selected for the second round.
The topic for the second round was something deeply personal — "A Lost Friendship". To me, a lost friendship represents any bond that no longer exists, a connection from the past. I wrote about themes of loss, longing, and acceptance. The poem I crafted wasn’t elaborate or filled with complex words, but it came from the heart, and I was proud of that.
Here’s the poem I wrote:
Lost and Found
In sweet-smelling meadows
We once did roam
There was laughter
There was joy
And there was home
But time flows like a river in its way
The more it goes, the more it's gone
The more it takes away
People come and go
Like trains on a platform
If I cannot detach myself
It is my thinking
I must transform
So I will not weep
I will not shed a tear
For I have always been taught to believe
That those who are meant to stay
Will never leave
And although it's bittersweet
This shedding of skin
It is in losing the old
That the new begins
I wasn’t expecting to win; the other contestants were so talented. But to my surprise, I found myself standing on stage, reciting my poem and being awarded the First Runner-Up prize along with a cash award of Rs 15,000.
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities life has given me, and this competition is definitely a memory I’ll treasure forever.
Being part of the grand and glorious Odisha Literary Festival 2024 was an honor, and I’m thankful to the team and The New Indian Express for creating a core memory I’ll always cherish.
(Prapti Pratiksha Sahu is a Class X student of DAV Public School Unit-VIII, Bhubaneswar. Views expressed are her own)