In 2018, Dr Anubha Karol embarked on an externship in the United States (US), a journey that would set the stage for a life-altering revelation. The experience required her to travel extensively, an aspect she thoroughly enjoyed. With each new place she visited, she felt an increasing desire for a career that would allow her to combine her love of travel with her passion for medicine.
Dr Karol moment of clarity came during a trip to Mount Abu. Amidst the natural beauty of the landscape, she participated in a trek led by an instructor whose determination was palpable. He shared his dream of climbing Mount Everest one day, a goal he was actively saving for.
“The sky is the limit,” Dr Karol recalls thinking as she listened to his story, profoundly moved by his ambition and resolve. It was at that moment she realised MBBS was not the end for her. She needed a path that would allow her to help others while also balancing her mental health and love for exploration.
However, it wasn’t always clear to Dr Karol what that path would be. During her internship, she found herself with more free time than she anticipated. The hospital where she was stationed was relatively new, with a slow patient inflow, leaving her with hours of unoccupied time. While some might see this as a blessing, for Dr Karol, it became a time of introspection.
It wasn’t until Dr Karol's tenure as a Junior Resident at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi that she truly understood the toll that the medical profession can take on one’s spirit. The hospital was overflowing with patients, often beyond its capacity. The sheer number of people needing care was overwhelming, and the resources simply weren’t enough to meet the demand. Many patients couldn’t be attended to in time, and some tragically lost their lives as a result.
“That was when I realised that watching people suffer day in and day out wasn’t for me,” she reflects and adds, “Being just a doctor was not my purpose.” The relentless pressure, coupled with the emotional weight of witnessing so much suffering, made her question whether traditional medical practice was the right path for her.
But Dr Karol wasn’t ready to give up on her medical career. Instead, she began to explore other ways to contribute to the field she loved. Her interest in medical writing was sparked during her internship when a senior doctor asked her to contribute to a website. She quickly realised that through writing, she could still make a meaningful impact while also nurturing her mental health and pursuing her passion for travel.
Today, Dr Karol is an advocate for those who, like her, feel burned out by the rigours of the medical profession.
“MBBS is not the end of it if you feel it has burnt you out,” Dr Karol advises and adds, “There are always alternatives. If you don’t know what to do with the degree, there are numerous doors to opportunities. So pause, breathe, and don’t forget to live your life.”
Dr Karol’s journey is a reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a career in medicine. For those willing to explore new paths, the possibilities are endless.
(This article was curated by the content and digital team at Humans of Medicare: Varuni Vats, & Siddhant Kashyap)