Hey peeps! Hope you all had a wonderful Diwali and are ready to explore another explosive topic! Forget about me, the entire world has woken up to the fact that India has the largest youth population. Now, I want you all to take a deep breath and fathom what this means.
We, the youth (I'm young at heart, LOL) have the power to steer India forward. We have the power to bring change and we shall be responsible for everything in the future.
NOW IS THE TIME to eradicate corruption, focus on social issues, and do what it takes to make India a superpower! For all this to materialise, the first step we need to take is to give power to those who deserve it. And we can only do this by choosing the right leaders!
Yes, I'm talking about voting today. It is high time we realise the paramount significance of voting and actively engaging in the electoral process. So here goes!
The most important step: I humbly request with folded hands — Please vote!
The biggest blunder that we make is to plan for trips and other leisurely activities on voting day. Then we blame the system! Aren't we guilty of allowing the undeserving to wield power? Is that one day of enjoyment worth the five years of hardships we shall face if the wrong people come to power?
We need to ask ourselves these questions and more. Please understand the repercussions and remind yourself to exercise your rights! Even if you feel that there's no candidate who deserves your vote, go and vote NOTA. But GO AND VOTE! Period.
It's the best way to foster civic engagement
Voting epitomises civic engagement and it's a crucial aspect that brings us together. It also empowers the youth to understand and exercise their democratic rights, which, in turn, allows them to contribute towards choosing a government that aligns with their requirements and aspirations. It's crucial to spread awareness and make everyone realise the importance of casting their vote. For this, we need to lead by example.
Once we foster this engagement and enable the youth to become proactive participants in shaping their communities and the nation as a whole, it not only motivates them to become more involved, but also instills a sense of belongingness, ownership, and empowerment, fostering active citizenship and a deeper commitment to the betterment of society.
Responsibly reprimands the responsible
Understanding the electoral process and the responsibilities of elected representatives are essential components of a well-rounded education. But as we become more aware and understand politics, we also get a clearer understanding of policy-making and aspects of public administration. This enables us to understand the larger picture and how it impacts our lives.
This knowledge strengthens our ability to make informed decisions and evaluate the promises made by candidates, ensuring that our voices are heard through the ballot box and making a strong statement that we are 100 per cent intolerant towards empty promises.
It gives us superpowers too! Honest!
When I say superpowers, I mean crucial skills emphasised by experts. Some of them are critical thinking, decision-making, strategising and analytical skills. How do we develop these by voting? Selecting the right candidate requires the application of all these skills, and all that really matters is how involved we are in the process.
Voting also helps us develop an essential skill of learning to read between the lines, as we look beyond captivating campaign rhetorics and actually assess a candidate's qualifications, credibility, and stance on key issues. We should consider candidates' past achievements, their understanding of societal challenges, and the vision they propose for a better future. Even if it's a first-time contestant, we should be able to analyse their true intent and allow our conscience to guide us in our decision-making process.
Emphasis on values, morals and ethics; emphasis on what we truly believe in!
It has been stressed enough but I still would like to reiterate the fact that values, morals and ethics should be at the forefront when evaluating candidates.
Candidates who exhibit integrity, honesty, and a genuine commitment to public service are more likely to uphold the interests of the people they represent. If we fail to identify candidates who prioritise inclusivity, social justice, equality, and environmental sustainability, we are not just failing as a nation but are also failing in our individual capacity to create a better life and a better future for ourselves.
Remember: We shall contribute to nurturing a responsible and accountable political leadership. That's what we truly need to achieve to become a developed nation.
It's not just one, but holding every one (accountability)
We need to delve into political party manifestos and find out how many promises were fulfilled. It becomes a valuable exercise as it not only enables us to understand each party's vision and policies in depth but also to analyse how much integrity they've exhibited.
We need to scrutinise manifestos and analyse how much is actually doable, whether it has other repercussions and how it will affect our lives. The need to identify political parties and understand their commitment to social welfare, economic development, education, healthcare, and other areas that are important to our well-being holds the key to choosing the right candidate.
Social medi-yeah!
Harness the power of social media to spread the truth and only the truth to ensure that false propaganda is drowned with true blue facts. Spread awareness about issues that are ignored and crucial, make it go viral and ensure that action is taken.
But in order to achieve this, you need to be involved and not just become a keyboard warrior who's a crusader in the virtual world but isn't bothered about anything in reality. This not only helps you understand how driven your local leaders are but also helps you decide whom to choose in the next election.
As I sign off my dearest superheroes of the future, remember that you have the power, you are the power and you shall make them highly responsible... Those whom you've elected and given the power!
With hope for a 100 per cent voting turnout from now on,
Your powerful mentor,
Adarsh Benakappa Basavaraj