Yoga Day: Grand Master Akshar's masterclass on yoga for a post-COVID situation  

Yoga’s role has become more important than ever in protecting the individual from the virus. Grand Master Akshar, Founder, Akshar Yoga tells us about the asanas that can serve us best in these times 
Grand Master Akshar | (Pic: Akshar Yoga)
Grand Master Akshar | (Pic: Akshar Yoga)

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, yoga has become an invaluable asset for one’s health. Yoga is being practised in every household by all members of the family. Yoga, with the help of your breath, brings forth a physical and mental alignment that boosts the immune system. Stress is known to be one of the major factors to cause a number of lifestyle diseases. Yoga also improves blood circulation and ensures the smooth functioning of all the organs. You can practise the following poses and repeat this sequence three times, holding each pose for 30 seconds. Start this after warming up your body with a light jog and subtle exercises.

Kneel on your mat and rest your pelvis on your heels. Keep your heels close to each other. Do not place the toes on top of each other, instead the right and left foot must be next to each other. Place your palms on your knees facing upward. Straighten your back and look forward.

Begin in Dandasana, stretching your legs out forward. You can keep your knees slightly bent. Reach your arms up and keep your spine straight. Exhale as you bend forward from the hip. Hold your ankles, toes or heels.

Begin in Samasthiti. Exhale and fold forward with your upper body. Drop your head and relax your shoulders and neck. Try to bring the trunk closer to the legs. Place palms on either side of the feet. Try to keep the legs and knees straight.

Begin on your stomach. Fold your knees to grab onto your ankles with your palms. Inhale and lift your legs and arms up. Balance on your stomach, look up. Avoid if you have injured your shoulders, wrists, back and/or neck Pregnant women must not do this

Lie down on your back, fold your legs and place your feet firmly on the floor. Bring your palms next to your ears, with fingers pointing forward. Inhale and lift your entire body up. Allow your head to fall gently behind and try to keep your neck relaxed. Distribute your body weight evenly between your feet and palms. Don't do this if you're suffering from back injury or spinal problems.  Not meant for those with glaucoma and/or high blood pressure

What do the trends say?
Yoga as a way of life is needed now like never before. Without proper regulation of your lifestyle like your diet, sleep and exercise, you are bound to fall ill. With the help of yoga, you can bring balance and order into your life by inculcating discipline. Postures in yoga bring physical health and vitality by improving your strength, stamina and flexibility. Breathing exercises known as pranayama combined with asanas or meditation benefit you by eliminating stress, anxiety and other issues that plague your mental well-being. We have understood the importance of both physical and mental well-being and yoga can have a major impact on all these aspects

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