Why youngsters should aim to build a career instead of just getting a job

The columnist makes a case for why, as youngsters, we should not just aim to get a job, we should actually be looking to build a career. This is what will serve us well and be useful in the long-term
Aim for a career | (Pic: Internet)
Aim for a career | (Pic: Internet)

If you ask the question ‘What do you intend on doing further?’ to any of the graduates, many would say that they want to continue further studies, a few might say that they haven’t decided yet. With the exception of a few who are focused enough on their future, a vast majority would probably say that they have to search for a job.

There is nothing wrong with any of these answers since it reflects the mindset of the youngsters who are moving from college to that of the professional world. Yet, I would like to draw your attention to the answer that the vast majority usually come up with ‘to search for a job’. It is here that I would like to intervene and offer my experience as a human resource mentor for the benefit of the youngsters so that they can face the professional world with confidence and enthusiasm.

As educated youngsters who step into the professional world, you have to focus your mind to aspire for a ‘career’ instead of just seeking out a ‘job’. You have chosen a particular branch of study knowingly or unknowingly and have gained a sufficient amount of knowledge in that particular branch. All that is required for you now is to pursue a career blending your knowledge with sector-specific skills and back it up with a positive attitude to set up for yourself new vistas in a professional setting.

It is in this juncture that you need to understand the term ‘job’ and ‘career’ better and see how it can influence your life. This is very fundamental to shape your life in the professional world.

Job: A job is an activity that you undertake or get engaged with intuitively to support your basic needs, to earn money. It is a one-time relationship with a particular employer either on a full-time or part-time basis. You just need some basic education to take on a job and it would mostly be within your comfort zone.

Career: A career is a long time journey into the professional world of work which you establish with a focused goal in terms of sector or area and position or designation.

Some points to keep in mind:

- Pursue it: A career is a lifetime pursuit which you undertake to achieve your goals
- Self-esteem: A career is a great source of developing and radiating positive self-esteem
- Ambitions: Pursuing a career is an end in itself since you realise your ambition

Many promising youngsters have missed out on great careers by choosing insignificant jobs

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