Mathematics > Physics > Chemistry: National Academic Director of Aakash ranks JEE Mains 2025 Session I difficulty level

"The JEE Main paper on 22nd January was of Easy to Moderate difficulty overall," he said
JEE Main 2025
JEE Main 2025(Pic: EdexLive Desk)
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Today, January 22, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains 2025 Sessions 1 and 2 were held across the country. The shift timings are 9.00 am to 12 noon and the second shift is from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm.

Ajay Sharma, National Academic Director, Engineering, Aakash Educational Services analyses the JEE Main Session 1 paper. 

"The JEE Main paper on January 22, was of Easy to Moderate difficulty overall. Chemistry and Physics sections were relatively easy, while the Mathematics section was slightly lengthy and calculative," he said. 

Giving a subject-wise analysis, Sharma said, "Many students found the Physics section easy. Topics such as Mechanics, Current Electricity, Optics, Modern Physics, and Waves were well-represented. However, questions from AC, EMI, and Magnetism were notably absent. The inclusion of some PYQs (previous year questions) provided familiarity for prepared students."

Discussing details about Chemistry, he said, "The paper covered all chapters uniformly. While most questions were manageable, a few theory-based questions were confusing. Topics like Electrochemistry, Kinetics, p-block, d-block, Thermodynamics, and Biomolecules featured prominently. Overall, the section offered balanced representation."

"The Mathematics section ranged from moderate to difficult. Though the questions were not overly challenging, some questions involved lengthy calculations. Key topics included Probability, Matrices, Algebra, Calculus, Vectors, Coordinate Geometry, 3D, and Calculus being dominant. The paper was comprehensive, covering almost all important chapters. For many students, Mathematics appeared time-consuming, but balanced in coverage," Sharma said about mathematics.

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