The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has commenced registration for the 2025 Class X and XII Board exams on the Pareeksha Sangam portal. The registration deadline is October 4, 2024. Schools must submit student details and fees on time to avoid incurring late charges, as stated in a report by India Today.
Students in Classes X and XII are required to complete the exam form and register for the board examinations. Schools affiliated with CBSE will handle the processing and submit the List of Candidates (LOC) through the Pareeksha Sangam portal at
Importantly, schools must ensure that the registration and fee payments are completed by the deadline. Following this, visually impaired students are exempt from the exam fee. For late submissions, schools may file the LOC until October 15, 2024, with an additional late fee of Rs 2,000 per student, according to the report by India Today.
Additional information
It is important to check the accuracy of the details provided in the registration forms, as these will be used for official documents like mark sheets and roll numbers. Any inaccuracies could lead to discrepancies in the official CBSE records. Students should also ensure that subject codes are correct, as changes cannot be made after registration.
For more information and to complete the registration process, students and parents should contact their respective schools. Besides that, the Board exams are scheduled to begin on February 15, 2025, with the date sheet expected to be released in November or December 2024.