The district administration of Una in Himachal Pradesh has changed the school timings from Monday, May 13 amid intense heat, as per an official notification, stated a report by PTI.
This comes as Una recorded a maximum day temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius on Thursday, May 9.
Keeping in mind the safety and well-being of the students, the District Magistrate Jatin Lal has issued an order that all government and private schools in Himachal's Una will open from 8 am to 1 pm from May 13, officials said today, Friday, May 10.
The reduced time will be compensated by reducing the time for morning prayer and breaks in the school.
This order will apply to all primary, higher and senior secondary schools, the notification read.
On the recommendation of the Deputy Directors of Higher and Elementary Education, the revised schedule will be implemented in all schools until further notice, officials said.
Several parts of India are grappling with heatwaves and schools are doing their best to deal with it.
In order to protect students from the impact of heatwave, schools should avoid conducting special classes during the ongoing summer holidays and district collectors should ensure compliance, Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena said on Thursday, May 9.