Concerned about several entrance and university-level exams being held amidst the 18th Lok Sabha elections, the India-Wide Parents’ Association has written to the Chief Election Commissioner urging for a postponement of all exams to June 2024.
The letter dated Thursday, March 28, reads, “Several entrance exams and state and Central University exams are scheduled during the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 elections. Several students will be affected and will face a lot of problems in terms of transport, accommodation and also will face problems during exams as there could be protests, rallies, road blockages, traffic jams and even riots due to which students may not be able to appear for exams.”
Advocate Anubha Sahai, president of the association, urged the election commission to intervene and coordinate with different authorities like the University Grant Commission (UGC), National Testing Agency (NTA) and different universities and examination conducting bodies to hold the exam after elections in the larger interest of students.
It may also be noted that there has been a major outcry among the aspiring Chartered Accountancy (CA) students in India, who are expected to appear for the CA exams conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in May 2024 alongside the Lok Sabha elections.
The students are urging that the entrance-level examination be postponed to June 2024, after the election process has concluded.