A First Information Report (FIR) has been registered against the teacher and the headmaster of the government high school of Kadampur in Bagalkot, Karnataka in connection with the suicide of a Class VIII student of the school. It may be noted that a 14-year-old girl Divya Barkar of Kadampur village had allegedly died by suicide due to dejection after being accused of stealing money from a teacher.
It was on March 16 that the girl died by suicide at her house after she was accused of stealing Rs 2,000 from a teacher at the school. According to the sources, one of the female teachers of the school, after reportedly losing money from her purse, grew suspicious of four students, including Divya, as reported by The New Indian Express.
To clear her suspicions, the teacher reportedly checked the bags of all students and also made them swear in God's name to prove their innocence. However, it is not confirmed whether money was found or not. Of the four students, Divya felt severely upset after the incident.
Dejected over the incident, Divya later died by suicide at home by hanging herself. Notedly, the parents did not report the matter to the police and performed her final rites.
They visited the police station the next day to file the case against the teacher Jayashri Mishikoti and Headmaster HM Mujawar at a rural police station.
Speaking to media persons, Shivappa Barekar, Divya’s father alleged that the teacher forced the student to admit the crime and return the money otherwise the student’s admission would be cancelled. Due to fear and dejection, Divya died by suicide, he said.
Meanwhile, the police have registered a case and an investigation is underway.