Students clear 50 kg of waste from Gokarna beach as punishment for creating nuisance

The principal requested the police officials to not make an issue out of it and the police agreed. But they had one condition...
Students from Bengaluru cleaning the temple beach of Gokarna as a punishment for creating nuisance
Students from Bengaluru cleaning the temple beach of Gokarna as a punishment for creating nuisance(Pic: Express)
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Caught smoking and inebriated, four youngsters from Bengaluru were asked to clean up a temple beach by the Gokarna coastal police.

The youth who had come on a trip to Gokarna, created nuisance on the premises of the temple beach and were caught and tipped off by locals.

The students were taken to the police station, where they were questioned about their whereabouts.

Interrogations revealed that they are students of a private college (the name of the college and the students have been kept confidential) who came with 36 other students and their principal.

When the principle was summoned, she was apologetic and requested the police to not make it an issue. However, the police agreed to let them go, if the cleaned up the beach, stated a report by The New Indian Express.

The students under the guidance of the coastal police sub inspector cleaned the entire beach for more than an hour and dumped glass pieces, beer cans, plastic waste and other products at a designated spot.

The Gokarna Panchayat authorities said that more than 50 kilograms of waste was cleaned up.

"We want people especially the tourists to understand the importance of maintaining cleanliness in tourist places. We will henceforth make them clean up the place if they create nuisance," said coastal police officers.

Coastal police staff Ganapathi Naik, Ganesh Patgar, Girish Harikanthra and Govejar Raju Ambig supervised the cleaning.

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