Today, Saturday, August 31, a Delhi court sent six individuals to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) custody for four days, in connection with the death of three Civil Services aspirants in a coaching centre's basement in Old Rajinder Nagar due to drowning. This was stated in a report by PTI.
Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Nishant Garg ordered that Abhishek Gupta, Deshpal Singh, Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh, Sarabjit Singh, and Parvinder Singh be held in custody until September 4.
The judge said, "Considering the submissions in the application and particularly the scope of investigation in terms of the order dated August 2, 2024 of the High Court of Delhi, custodial interrogation of the accused persons would be necessary for the purpose of investigation and for ascertaining the role played by various individuals who might have been involved in corrupt practices or criminal negligence."
Further, the order came in response to a CBI application requesting four days of police custody for the six accused for additional interrogation.
The decision was made after the accused were presented in court following the end of their previous judicial custody.
Besides that, the CBI has filed a case against them for alleged criminal negligence, dereliction of duties, and corrupt practices, involving local authorities and others.