The Calcutta High Court, today, Friday, August 23, instructed the Special Investigation Team (SIT) established by the West Bengal government to investigate the RG Kar Hospital rape and murder case to transfer both the case diary and the CCTV footage of the hospital to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). This was stated in a report by Bar & Bench.
“Investigation should not be fragmented among different agencies… SIT is directed to hand over the case diary and CCTV footage to the CBI by 10 AM tomorrow,” said Justice Rajarshi Bhardwaj.
Furthermore, the court also directed the SIT to provide any additional relevant information to the CBI. The CBI has been asked to submit a report within three weeks, with the next hearing scheduled for September 17.
The court was reviewing a plea filed by Akhtar Ali, the former Deputy Superintendent at RG Kar Hospital, who alleged serious illegalities committed by the hospital’s former Principal, Dr Sandip Ghosh.
Today, Friday, the court dismissed Dr Ghosh’s plea to be added as a party in the case.
Akhtar Ali had also requested police protection, citing concerns for his safety due to his complaints against Ghosh. In response, the court noted, “No grave situation has occurred that necessitates State protection for the petitioner. However, if needed, he may seek personal protection from the appropriate authority.”
In addition to this, on August 13, the High Court ordered a CBI investigation into the brutal rape and murder of a junior doctor at RG Kar Hospital on August 9.
During the hearing on August 22, the court asked the West Bengal government to clarify whether the CBI or the SIT would handle the investigation.
Besides that, Dr Ghosh has faced scrutiny following the incident, which led to widespread outrage and protests. Although he resigned from his post, he was promptly appointed Principal of another college.
Another Bench of the Calcutta High Court had previously criticized the State’s decision to "reward" Ghosh with a new position shortly after his resignation amid allegations of victim-blaming.