Today, August 15, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee addressed the mob violence incident from August 15 night at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal and said that the vandalism was done by members of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), reports ANI.
According to ANI, the Chief Minister said, "The people who vandalised RG Kar Hospital yesterday and created this ruckus are not connected to the student movement of RG Kar Medical College, they are outsiders, I have seen many videos, I have three videos as I can see, in which some people are holding national flags, they are BJP people, and some are DYFI, holding white and red flags.”
She further praised the police for keeping their calm and not hurting anyone.
“Yesterday, the police were also attacked...Police were attacked... I would like to congratulate them that they did not lose patience, they did not hurt anyone... Now the case is not in our hands, it is in the hands of CBI, if you have something to say, then tell CBI, we have no objection," she said, reports ANI.
This comes in response to mob violence on the premises of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata on late night of August 15. The violence occurred when doctors and citizens were protesting against the brutal rape and murder of an on-duty doctor in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College.