In a shocking incident, a government school teacher was murdered in her residence at Aswath Narayanshetty Extension in Mulbagal town in Kolar district of Karnataka on Wednesday evening, August 14. She was watching television when the miscreants attacked her and slit her throat.
The deceased has been identified as Divyashree (46), serving in Mudianur government higher primary school, stated a report by The New Indian Express.
According to a source, three persons barged into her house and killed her in cold blood.
Upon hearing her mother screaming for help, Divyashree's daughter Nisha who was on the first floor came down running only to see her mother in a pool of blood.
The victim's husband, Padmanabha Shetty, is into finance business and also owns an agarbathi (incense sticks) manufacturing unit.
The incident has sent shock waves among all the residents of Mulbagal.
Meanwhile, upon learning about the incident, Superintendent of Police (SP) Nikhil B rushed to the spot. Speaking to The New Indian Express, the SP said three teams have been formed to nab the culprit. Another technical team has also been formed to look into cellphone and CCTV data.
He also said the bordering check post have been alerted and CCTVs are being examined.