A two-year-old girl died near Thiruporur in Chengalpattu district of Tmail Nadu, when a school van accidentally ran over her on Tuesday, August 13. The deceased, P Shyla, had accompanied her mother P Janaki (30) to pick up her brother Joel from the van drop point.
The boy got down and when the trio was crossing the road, Shyla’s hand slipped away from her mother's and the van ran over her as she was left behind. Thiruporur police have registered a case and arrested the van driver, Velu, stated a report by The New Indian Express.
Though unfortunate, these incidents do happen every now and then. Like in January 2020, in Kancheepuram, a two-year-old girl was allegedly run over by a private school van. Though she was rushed to the nearby government hospital, she was declared brought dead. The child was identified as Ponmathi.
In this case to the school van driver Sivasankaran was arrested by the police.
In February 2017, a two-and-a-half-year old girl was run over by a school van near Medavakkam. The deceased was identified as Samiksha.
After the untoward incident, the neighbours tried to catch and attack the driver who managed to flee the scene.