Apart from the Indian Air Force, the Naval system of the country also has an aviation arm that protects the maritime interests of the Nation.
Let's look at what it is about.
A crucial role that naval aviation plays is to extend the reach of the Armed Forces by operations on international waters, thereby, extending the border limits beyond the limitation of the Air Force.
Roles in volunteering for aviation specialisation include Pilot/Naval Air Operations Officer/Technical Officer
Rigorous medical fitness test
Pre-Flying Training at School for Naval Airmen (SFNA) at Kochi, Kerala.
Pilot trainees are then sent to ab-initio flying training at Air Force Academy, Dundigul, Hyderabad, or at Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) Amethi.
Trainee pilots are then branched into fighter, fixed-wing and rotary wing streams.
Pilots chosen for fighters and fixed-wing continue with IAF, whereas those chosen for rotary-wing move to Helicopter Training School (HTS), Hyderabad.
Post completion, pilots are appointed to Indian Naval Air Squadrons spread across the country.
Officers opting for Naval Air Operations Officer undergo initial course at the Naval Air Operations Officer School in Kochi.
Technical Officers undergo specialist training at the Naval Institute for Aviation Technology (NIAT) in Kochi.