Byndoor taluk, Karnataka: There are 21 gov't schools with single teachers running them, why so?

Even in Melhosur, Manki-Gujjadi, Keradi, Uppunda and Byndoor, the government primary schools are functioning with one teacher only
Image of classroom for representational purpose only
Image of classroom for representational purpose only(Pic: Express)
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Why are lone teachers running government schools in Byndoor taluk of Udupi district in Karnataka? That too in as many as 21 schools.

Issues like acute shortage of teachers are the result of the indifference of the government towards school education. 

In which areas are schools running with only one teacher?

- Yadnalli

- Ajri

- Hoskote

- Ajragadde

- Hosabailu-Hallihole

- Vatebacchalu 

- Yalaberu

- Halkal

- Mudoor

- Gudedevasthana

- Hayyangar-Keradi

- Kullamballu

- Karibalu

- Halliberu

- Hadavu 

- Athrady

Even in Melhosur, Manki-Gujjadi, Keradi, Uppunda and Byndoor, the government primary schools are functioning with one teacher only. It may be noted that in the Byndoor education block, there are 21 government lower and higher primary schools, stated a report by The New Indian Express

Nagesh Nayak, Block Education Officer (BEO) of Byndoor told The New Indian Express that arrangements were being made to provide 93 guest teachers though the actual need is for 124 guest teachers in Byndoor block. 

Where the student strength is about 10 yet there is only one teacher, one guest lecturer is being provided, whereas, where the student strength is above 60, two guest teachers are being provided, he informed and added, "Still there is room for improvement'.'

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