Reading is a good habit to cultivate. To help with its cultivation, the Department of School Education and Literacy (DSEL), Government of Karnataka, has instructed all schools in Karnataka to fix one library period every week.
During this period, students can develop a hobby and access the school libraries. This will be applicable to all students from Classes I to X.
The students should have access to various genres like comics, poetry, folklore, non-fiction and fiction, under the Reading Habits and Knowledge Development programme.
Before this, library periods were a part of the school timetable only depending on the infrastructure of the school but now, it has been made compulsory for state board schools, stated a report by The New Indian Express.
“Reading will improve children's vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, concentration, language and creative writing. It also develops intellectual skills such as critical thinking, reasoning, analytical ability, summarising, imagination, creativity, and empathy,” the circular read.
The department highlighted that schools must use library grants given annually by Samagra Shikshana Karnataka (SSK) and grants available under Reading Room (RR) funds collected by the students.
“Using these grants, libraries must purchase quality reading materials for children during the academic year. DSEL has recommended a list of quality books for primary, senior primary and high schools. Schools can select and purchase the required books,” the circular stated.
To help students from Classes I to V evolve as readers, school teachers have been urged to conduct reading activities. Reading with gestures, peer reading, group reading, post-reading activities and more are the activities suggested for teachers.
For seniors, students will be allowed to pick their books.