The Delhi High Court has asked the Centre to decide within eight weeks regarding the inclusion of women in the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), and Air Force Academy of the Indian Armed Forces via the Combined Defence Services (CDS) examination, reported PTI.
Petitioner says women only considered for short service commission
The petition filed by Kush Kalra was against a December 2023 notification issued by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) inviting applications for recruitment in the IMA, INA, Air Force Academy of the Indian Armed Forces, and Officers Training Academy (OTA) through the CDS examination.
The petitioner argued that the notification unfairly barred females from participating in the examinations for the IMA, INA, and IAF based solely on their gender, and only considered them for Short Service Commission at OTA.
Women be given the right to contend equally
The petitioner contends that since the Ministry of Defence has eliminated its entry restriction for females via the NDA examination, and with the increasing recruitment of female candidates annually, there is no justification for not recruiting females through the CDS examination for the IMA, INA, and IAF, and this further violates their fundamental right to equality, the PTI report stated.
Observing that the petitioner's appeal regarding the matter was still pending with the authorities, a bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Manmeet PS Arora stated on Friday, April 26, "The writ petition is dismissed with a directive to the respondent to resolve the representation according to the law within eight weeks."