In 2019, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the establishment of residential schools named after former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. According to an official announcement, the state government will now start classes at these Atal Residential Schools in the upcoming academic session of 2023-24.
As per a report by PTI, a government official informed, "Application forms will be available between February 15 and 20. There is also the option of online application." Eighty students will get admission to Class VI in each school in the beginning. Additionally, a maximum of two children from the family of a labourer would be allowed to attend the school.
An entrance exam will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for admission to Atal schools. The official said that the process for its conduction is underway, and it will be held at the end of May and the merit list will be released in mid-June. The classes will begin in July.
As per the government announcement, each Atal Residential School is being built on the lines of Navodaya Vidyalayas in all 18 divisional-headquarter-towns in Uttar Pradesh. Each school will have a principal, an administrative officer and 11 teachers. Recruitment of the teachers and other staff members for the schools is set to begin shortly. The appointment of principals is also likely to be completed by mid-February and the appointment of others by mid-May.
Adityanath had earlier said that the schools would provide free facilities to children of registered labourers. "The state government will lead students towards self-reliance through skill development," he had said, as per PTI.