Following the tragic incident in Bengaluru that left a mother and son duo dead after being crushed under an under-construction Metro pillar, a team of experts from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad on Friday, January 13, reached Nagawara where the pillar collapsed earlier this week.
The technical team along with the Bengaluru police reached the spot to carry out a detailed survey about raw materials being used in construction work to corroborate evidence on what caused the collapse of the Metro pillar, reported ANI. The team reached on directives of Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) had also requested the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to probe the matter and provide a report. However, later on, Bengaluru police asked the team to put their probe on hold and the task was handed over to IIT, Hyderabad.
On Wednesday, BMRC suspended its Deputy Chief Engineer, Executive Engineer and Site Engineer in the case, which also left two others from the family of the deceased injured. Five people were booked by the Bengaluru Police after the incident on Tuesday. According to the FIR, site engineers, metro contractors, site-in-charge officers, BMRCL officers, and others have been named in the case.
Karnataka CM Bommai also announced an ex gratia of Rs 10 lakh for the kin of the deceased and also sought a detailed investigation into the matter. Besides, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation issued notices to the contractors and engineers concerned about the collapse incident.