NALSAR introduces menstrual leave policy for all its students

In a tweet today, October 20, the university notified about this decision
File photo of NALSAR | (Pic: Express)
File photo of NALSAR | (Pic: Express)
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The National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) has a introduced menstrual leave policy for all its students. In a tweet today, October 20, the university notified about the decision.

"We are proud to share that with the efforts of the NALSAR Menstrual Leave Policy Committee that we now have an official Menstrual leave policy in effect for all the students of the different curriculums offered here," the tweet says. The decision, as well as a copy of the policy, was shared by the registrar with all the students via email.

"I herewith inform you that the Faculty Members at its meeting held on October 5, 2023, has unanimously approved the Menstrual Leave Policy proposed by the Students. As per this Policy, the menstruating students of the University will be eligible for one day leave in every working month of a Semester/Trimester without any requirement of proof from the Medical Officer from the next Semester/Trimester," the email reads.

"This leave will be applied on the basis of a self-declaration/certification by the concerned student. This leave can be availed by a student who has put up a minimum 67% of attendance," it adds.

Last month, the Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur (DNLU) had introduced a policy to grant menstrual leave for its female students.

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